Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Cheap SEO Services and Affordable SEO Plans

Current SEO ranking factors

The weighting of factors that place websites in the organic results of search engines is constantly changing. Google is based on more than 200 different ranking factors, which have an influence on the achievable position in the search results pages (SERPs = Search Engine Result Pages).


The American portal Search Engine Land regularly provides a periodic table of SEO ranking factors. The presentation is not to be understood as a guide to search engine optimization, but shows the probable current weighting of the ranking factors.

SEO step by step – How to optimize your website

As an  affordable SEO agency for search engine optimization  with emphasis OnPage SEO, we offer you the complete SEO analysis, the technical SEO and content optimization of your website. We take over all necessary steps for a successful placement of your homepage in the “natural results” of search engines!

SEO analysis of your website

Definition of your SEO goals

Together with you, we determine which goals you want to achieve with a search engine optimization of your website. Goals could be: better positions for selected keywords, more visitors for specific pages, longer visit time, …

Complete SEO analysis of your website

SEO Analysis of the actual state of your website with regard to search engine suitability (indexability through search engine robots, website speed, mobile suitability, ..) and other optimization options including content and structure analysis of your page content and internal linking , We check technology & metadata, website structure, content and much more.

Determining SEO Scope

Jointly determine which single pages of your website should undergo a technical website optimization. Not all individual pages have SEO-relevant content (Imprint, Contact, ..) – a selection of the most important for achieving your SEO goals pages saves costs.

Keyword analysis

You will receive suggestions for suitable search terms from us for each individual page to be optimized. Before the technical search engine optimization is carried out, a common definition of the search terms for which the selected individual pages of your website are to be optimized. In doing so, we take into account both the current competitive situation (number of hits for a search term, position of your competitors, etc.) as well as the possibilities for top positioning for selected, important keywords and word combinations

Technical search engine optimization

Analysis and optimization of technical parameters

We check and optimize document type and encoding of pages, language attributes, Canonicals, possible CSS / JS compression, text / HTML ratio, SSL and page speed of a page. Also, problems with strong / bold tags and missing alt attributes in pictures are being investigated.

Optimization of relevant meta tags, website settings and SEO attributes

Optimization of meta tags (Title, Description – Snippet Optimization, ..) for selected search terms and topics. For the optimized pages of your website, we create an optimal configuration of the most important meta-tags to ensure a semantically correct and promising page optimization. In addition to the title of a website, the Description also has special significance for “snippet optimization”.

Optimization for headings and internal structures / Content structure

Headings are used to structure the contents of a page sensibly and hierarchically and to describe the content with suitable keywords. Headings should also be hierarchically descending. When using headings, no hierarchy level should be omitted (an H1 heading is always followed by an H2 heading, and so on).

Page Architecture & URL Website Optimization

Both the file name of a single website and the structuring of your pages (keyword: folder structure, directory name and depth) is an important ranking factor for search engines. The necessary measures to support an optimal / improved placement of your website are treated under the topic “URL optimization”.

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